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SCHOOL OF DISCIPLE                               


At the heart of the great commission is « making disciples » of all nations, not just witnessing or evangelism. “disciple are made,not born” is a very popular saying.and nothing can be truer. The key of disciple making is teaching. And effective teaching involves personal interaction.


School of disciple is designed to help men and women who desire to grow in their personal knowledge of and walk with the lord Jesus. Men and women who desire to become like Jesus. It also designed for Christians who have a passion for soul winning and desire to learn the basics of evangelism and missions.

It is my conviction tha every Christian should be a mirror reflecting Jesus to the world.



The program


SOD is designed as a series of informal teaching seminars and workshops on various and basic Christian themes.

Our aim is not just to lecture but to provide open interactive sessions that willstimulate discovery and growth.

The course is for 2 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday over a period of 6 months divided unto 2 sets of 3 months each.

A certificate shall be presented to participants who meet the minimum requirement for completion of the course.




 The program content with include teachings/discussions on such topic as:

   1. Self deny


   2. The cross of the disciple


   3.  Personal growth and edification


   4.  Prayer and spiritual warfare


   5.  Personal evangelism


   6.  Mission and the great commission

Etc. etc