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All are called to pray, some are called to GO, while others are called to support by giving. Each takes sacrifice and faithfulness if the world is to be reached with the gospel.


DONATE  Dearly beloved, in pursuance of your commitment to support missions financialy and materially during the-----------------held at-------------------------date----------------------

We forward to you the AMA financial support policy and form. Should you feel the lord would have your support mission through us; it will be good for you to make the commitment definite. A vague commitment is as good as no commitment.

Please read through the form carefully and fill it out.

May the lord prosper you and make you faithful as you co-labour with him in this way.

Yours in his bonds for world evangelization and discipling.











Pledge $:



Mode of payment


N B:  you could indicate if your gift is to be designated towards the training, a particular project or missionaries.

